Entries by Premier Business Lending

Business Strategy: The Commander’s Intent

A common frustration among small business owners is the lack of execution or implementation of their business strategy and objectives. In fact, they may have clearly articulated their vision for their business – their Big Hairy Audacious Goal – as James Collins and Jerry Porras put it in their 1994 book Built to Last: Successful […]

Optimizing Your Financial Management Resources

You know that running and building a business isn’t easy. There’s much that goes into the work of each day, details to take care of, and all the important strategic work, like planning for growth, improving your product or service, and achieving a competitive position in your market.   The Value of Financial Management Systems […]

5 Smart Ways To Invest In Your Own Business

It’s often said that “You have to spend money to make money.” While there is a great deal of truth to that maxim, spending money does not always bring a return and – if done without forethought and a strategy – it can mean the difference between a growing business and looming bankruptcy. However, there […]

How To Lower Your Business Expenses

The start of a new year is one of the best times for a business owner to examine their budgets and find ways to both try and increase revenue and lower business expenses. Oftentimes, cutting a little bit in a few areas can have just as much impact as cutting a lot from one or […]

3 Common Uses For Working Capital

At Premier Business Lending, we see and believe in the benefits of working capital loans for your business. Working capital is a short-term loan that is very flexible and offers a variety of financing options to help you achieve your goals. There are many types of businesses that regularly utilize this kind of loan, and […]